Solinst Model 3001 App & App Interface for Leveloggers
April 6, 2022
Solinst Model 3250 LevelVent 5
April 6, 2022Solinst Model 3001 DataGrabber for Leveloggers
The Model 3001 DataGrabber for Leveloggers provides an inexpensive and very portable option for Levelogger users to download data directly to a USB flash drive key. The DataGrabber connects to a Levelogger’s Direct Read Cable; alternatively, a Direct Read to Optical Adaptor allows one to connect it directly to a Levelogger’s optical end. The USB flash drive key is plugged into the socket on the front of the DataGrabber. A push-button on the DataGrabber starts the downloading process.
Categories: Groundwater Instrument, Solinst, SWL Logging