Solinst Model 3001 DataGrabber for Leveloggers
April 6, 2022
Solinst Model 3001 Levelogger 5 LTC
April 6, 2022Solinst Model 3250 LevelVent 5
The Solinst LevelVent 5 is a vented version of our popular Levelogger 5. The highly accurate datalogger is designed to record water level and temperature measurements during shallow groundwater and surface water deployments. The LevelVent 5 logger contains pressure and temperature sensors, a battery, FRAM memory for up to 150 000 data logs and a hydrophobic filter within a 22mm x 178mm stainless steel housing with a corrosion-resistant coating.
Categories: Groundwater Instrument, Solinst, SWL Logging
The LevelVent 5 uses a gauged pressure transducer; it is open to the atmosphere via a vented cable to the wellhead. The compact LevelVent 5 wellhead is designed to fit in a Solinst 2″ Well Cap Assembly, and provides easy connection for communication accessories.